Why Choose Us?

We eat, sleep & breathe fasteners & fittings. From the most common applications, to hard-to-find product lines, we’re here to help.
Top Brands
Through our partnerships with manufacturers such as Raychem and Tefen, we are able to supply customers with products that they can trust.
Quality products
We are proud to offer to our customers premium quality products. We source our inventory from reputable brands in order to supply our clients with reliable products.
Fast Delivery
We constantly update & maintain our vast inventory to minimize lead times and ensure you can receive what you need, when you need it.
With over 3 decades of experience, Aims has earned a worldwide reputation for its outstanding service and industry knowledge.
Customer Support
Need help finding the right fasteners or fittings for a specific application? Perhaps a hard-to-find product or material? Simply contact us and we'll be glad to assist you.
We are experts in industrial fasteners and fittings,
specializing in servicing OEM’s in a flow control industry.

Quality is our top priority

Aims is a long-established company dedicated to providing high-quality fasteners and fittings to customers, the best on the market. Our priority is to meet the needs of our customers while making sure they get long-lasting products. We are proud to offer Raychem products, an important multidisciplinary business, in addition to Tefen’s variety of products, another leader in the dosing pumps and flow industry. Furthermore, Aims is a satisfied supplier of cam and groom fittings. Get in touch with a representative today.


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    Aims product line

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    Our trusted partners

    With so many years of experience in the business, our company is your
    source for the best fasteners and fittings products.